SOS Children’s Villages aim to support 70000 children

SOS Day is observed to mark the birth anniversary of the founder of SOS Children’s Villages in India, Dr. Hermann Gmeiner. And the Family Strengthening Program of SOS Children’s Villages aims to support over 70,000 children by the year 2030 in India. UNICEF has said that India has more than 30 million children in need of care and protection. Leading to the compromise of the rights of a child, and increasing the child’s vulnerability.

Started in 2006, the Family Strengthening Program of the NGO has supported over 17300 families and 31671 children by March 2022. The SOS Children’s Villages of India is India’s largest self-implementing childcare NGO and works across 31 locations in India. An media workshop on Strengthening families – Preventing Child Abandonment was organised by the NGO.

The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns caused a large number of people from vulnerable economic conditions to lose their jobs and livelihood. Thus causing financial distress, bad health, substance abuse, and child abandonment among many other problems. Basic rights including food, education and health of these children were also compromised. Capacity building towards awareness of generation of awareness on important subjects like health, hygiene, nutrition, education and protection have become key requirements at the current time mentioned Mr. Sumanta Kar, the Secretary General of SOS Children’s Villages of India.