State orders better safety measures on School Buses in Guwahati

In order to ensure the safety of all the children using the school buses in the city of Guwahati, the administration has enforced a few rules. Some of these rules were issued long back, while some are newly earmarked.

This order was issued by the Transportation Department of Assam in accordance with the ruling of the Supreme Court. From now on these rules have to followed very strictly and there will be no leniency from the enforcement. Apart from a fine for not following the regulations, vehicles not following them will face issues in renewal as well.

All school buses must be yellow in color and have to be equipped with GPS and Close Circuit Cameras.These systems have to be connected to a control room in the school and so as to provide immediate help in real time if any such need arise. Also every bus must have a proper first aid kit and fire extinguisher on board. The windows of also have to be protected with grill and all permissions must be upto date. As for the drivers, they must have proper licenses and atleast 5 years prior experience of driving heavy vehicles.

The Kamrup Metropolitan district has the highest number of school buses operating in the state. The other districts are also ordered to follow suit. Schools not following these regulations have to pay a fine of Rs. 10000 for the first offence. Subsequent violations will lead to problems with renewal of the necessary licences for the school.