Bhutan Government announces incentives for its Tourism Sector

In view of the upcoming tourism season, the Royal Government of Bhutan has announced a set of incentives for the tourism sector of the country. The announcement mentioned that these additional incentives and policy measures are aimed at boosting the sector. These new incentives will come into effect from the 1st of September 2023. And these will remain in effect for four years till the 31st of August 2027.

The following are the incentives announced for the tourism sector by the Bhutan Government.

The government has announced a 50 per cent discount on the prevailing Sustainable Development Fees. Post-reopening after the COVID-19 pandemic, the country levied an SDF of USD 200 per tourist per day. This has now been effectively reduced to USD 100 per tourist per day. Children between the ages of 6 to 12 years will be given a 50 per cent discount on the SDF as well. 

 The new policy also announced that the 24-hour waiver on the SDF will continue for the tourists staying at the border towns. 

The announcement also mentioned that these incentives are aimed at several key benefits. These include the generation of employment and the earning of foreign currency. It also mentioned that the growth of this sector will help in the growth of ancillary industries. Thus boosting the entire economy of the Kingdom of Bhutan

The announcement also added that the government will conduct periodic assessments. These assessments will look into both domestic and international tourism scenarios. And based on the same, decisions will be taken to keep or discontinue these incentives. These will also uphold and promote the High-Value Low Volume Tourism Policy of Bhutan.