Women Picking Tea Leaves - International Tea Day 2024

International Tea Day 2024: Assam’s Deep-Rooted Tea Connection

On May 21, tea lovers across the world raise their cups to International Tea Day 2024! This annual celebration is a global toast to the significance of tea, a beverage steeped in history, culture, and economic importance. But for India, tea holds a particularly special place, its roots intertwining with the nation’s social fabric for centuries.

A Day to Honor the Women of Tea

While there isn’t a specific designated theme for International Tea Day 2024, the United Nations has chosen to honour women around the world, from crop to cup. This year highlights the critical role women play in the tea industry, from cultivation and processing to marketing and sales. It’s a chance to recognize their contributions and advocate for fair treatment and opportunities within the tea sector.

A History Steeped in Advocacy

The story of International Tea Day itself is a testament to advocacy. The idea originated at the World Social Forum in 2004. Trade unions, small tea growers, and civil society organizations in Asia and Africa came together to address the challenges faced by tea workers and producers. They lobbied for fair trade practices, sustainable production methods, and improved working conditions throughout the tea-growing regions. The United Nations later established a separate International Tea Day on May 21st, focusing on the broader picture – celebrating tea’s long history, cultural significance, and its role in promoting sustainable development and fighting poverty in tea-growing regions.

Assam’s Enduring Love Affair with Tea

While the exact origins of tea are debated, many believe the plant found its way to northeast India, in Assam. Here, amidst lush greenery, tea has thrived for centuries. The official story of Indian tea cultivation, however, began in the early 19th century when Robert Bruce stumbled upon wild tea plants growing in Assam. This discovery ignited a passion, and by 1833, the first government-run tea garden was established.

Beyond a Beverage: A Cultural Cornerstone

From that moment on, tea became more than just a drink in India. It became a way of life. The iconic “chai,” a spiced milk tea, is a daily ritual for many, a warm hug in a cup that signifies hospitality, comfort, and connection. Tea is offered to guests, brewed for celebrations, and shared during moments of quiet reflection. It transcends social barriers, bringing people together over a steaming cup.

Celebrating with a Cup (or Two!)

As the world celebrates International Tea Day, take a moment to appreciate the humble tea leaf. Brew a cup of your favourite variety, Indian or otherwise, and ponder its rich history. Whether you enjoy a classic black tea or the chai latte, savour the moment and let the tradition steep in. Here in India, we’ll be raising a toast to our beloved “chai,” a timeless symbol of our culture and a testament to the enduring power of a simple cup.

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