The FERNS Society carries out plantation program in Guwahati

The FERNS Society carried out a small plantation drive on the occasion of World Environment Day 2022. The organization planted around hundred saplings and distributed around two hundred more in the city.

The World Environment Day is celebrated across the world under the banners of the United Nations. This year’s theme is Only One Earth. The aim is to protect the earth from any further damage and work towards making the environment better.

The FERNS Society is a Non Profit Organization homed in the city of Guwahati. It works towards several social causes like relief campaigns and urban afforestation. With these aims in mind, they have carried out several sapling distributions in the last few years. The note-worthy ones include gifting of plant saplings to on duty police personnel across the city and to the employees of several media houses in the city. Guwahati Foodie, the largest food related community of the region also extended their support to this event.

This year the plantation and distribution of saplings was carried out in Adingiri region of the Guwahati city. Saplings of several fruit bearing plants including mangoes, banana, elephant apple, guava and Indian blackberry were part of this project. Medicinal plants like amla, haritaki, behada and neem were also planted and distributed by the team. Various citrus fruits like different varieties of lemons and oranges were also included this year.

Speaking to Discover East, a representative of the organization said that the aim is not only planting more trees in the city, but also to sustain and protect them till they grow to full capacity. Also the aim of planting more of fruit bearing and medicinal plants is the added culinary value of these plants. He also expressed his expectation towards the city administration to plant more trees in the vicinity of the new flyover projects as well as on the shoulders of the expanded highway once the construction is over.