Sapling Distribution by Ferns Society

The FERNS Society Distributes Saplings in North Guwahati

On Saturday, the 12th of September, The FERNS Society distributed saplings of various plants to the citizens living in North Guwahati. Saplings were given for plantation both in homes and in temple complexes of the region.

Saplings of lemons, guava, pomegranate, sindoor, oranges and few other plants were distributed as a part of this initiative. The initiative was carries out with the primary aim of urban afforestation. Another reason for distribution of mainly fruit bearing plants is the future usability of the produce.

Saplings Distributed by The FERNS Society
Sapling Distribution by The FERNS Society

The FERNS Society, a Non Government Organisation based in Guwahati makes another round of sapling distribution in the state of Assam. This round was carried out in the Northern bank of the Brahmaputra River by the members of the organisation. This initiative was supported by Guwahati Foodie and Trishoolin Yoga and Wellness .

The NGO had previously distributed saplings multiple times. On the occasion World Environment Day, saplings were distributed among on duty police personal across the city. Another round of distribution was carried out on the occasion of Teacher’s Day and this time the people working towards keeping connectivity going even during Covid-19 pandemic times.

Apart from distribution of saplings, The FERNS Society also plays an active role in necessary relief measures.