Assam Issues new SOP for Eateries , Cold Storage and other Shops

Assam Government has updated a set of instructions to remove the ambiguity in the previous SOP which was issued yesterday. The following are details in the notification.

Order copy

In continuation of the order issued vide No. ASDMA.28/2021/11 dated 20th of April 2021, the following clarifications are hereby issued in respect of Clause A (7) of the order:

  1. Restaurants, dhabas and other eateries can entertain dine-in guest only up to 6.00 PM. However, take away/ home delivery is allowed up-to the usual time of closure as per local regulations.
  2. Restaurants operating within a Hotel or Resort can allow outside guests up to 6.00 PM only. However, in-house guests of the Hotel/ Resort may be allowed to dine-in up to the usual time of operation.
  3. Delivery of essential goods through e-Commerce may continue after 6.00 PM.
  4. Cold storage and warehouses may continue beyond 6.00 PM. However, sale counters, showrooms etc. attached to these warehouses or cold storage shall close after 6.00 PM.
  5. Pharmacies, Hospitals, Animal Care Centers and Veterinary clinics may operate without restrictions being providers of essential and emergency services.

The previous SOP issued yesterday issued a blanket closure of all market places and shops in malls at 6 PM everyday till the 30th of this month and this left the restaurateurs in a major confusion.