Kamakhya Temple Opens the Inner Sanctum Sanctorum for Devotees

The Kamakhya Temple in Guwahati has allowed devotees to enter the main Garbha Griha or Sanctum Sanctorum from 21st October.

The decision was taken to allow the devotees to offer prayers on the occasion of Panchami of Durga Puja. As per reports, the doors of the sanctum are likely to be closed after Dashami. However, there is no confirmation about it yet.

Durga Puja is a very important festival celebrated in the Kamakhya Temple. It comes second only to Ambubachi Mela in festivities and decorations of the temple complex. However the celebrations in the temple are very different from the other puja celebrations of the city. Kumari Puja is done in the temple wherein small girls are worshiped as images of the Mother Goddess

The temple doors will be opened at 8 AM and closed at sunset everyday. The devotees will also have to produce a Covid – Negative certificate for entering the temple complex.

The previous notification issued by the temples authorities permitted entering only the temple complex, but not the innermost part of the Kamakhya Temple, which is considered the Sanctum Sanctorum. Even the annual Ambubachi Mela happened behind closed doors due to the Covid-19 global pandemic.

(Feature image source: Kamakhya Temple Facebook Page)