Sohphie: The Exotic & Healthy Fruit from Meghalaya

If you have visited Meghalaya you might have come across street vendors selling a small green or red fruit in baskets. This exotic fruit is known as Sohphie and it has a sweet and sour taste. This fruit belongs to the family of Myricaceae and can be found in the Himalayan regions of India.

Sohphie | Image source: @_mojojojo_siro

Sohphies are believed to be grown in high altitudes of about 1300 to 2000 metres. Some of its variants are also found in neighboring states known as Nagatenga in Assam and Keifang in Mizoram.

The fruit ripens and is abundantly available in the state during the season of spring. The abundance of this fruit is fully utilized and preserved the form of pickles, jams, jellies etc. As the fruit perishes fast, processing them into pickles or jams also reduces wastage. The pickles are often made with bamboo shoots and bhoot jolokia to enhance the taste. One can easily find these pickles being sold on the road between Shillong and Guwahati.

Raw Sohphie| Image source: @vickythechef

It is also relished in its raw state along with salt and chilli powder. When ripe, the Sohphies can be dark red or purple in colour.

Besides its taste, Sohphie has several medicinal qualities. It is rich is phytochemicals which can fight pathogens. The exotic fruit is anti-oxident and anti-diabetic, hence even diabetese patients can enjoy bites of these fruits. the locals also use its juice cure stomach problems.

Ripe Sohphie| Image source: Yashomana Choudhury

Reportedly, the bark of the tree is also used in multiple indegenous medicines as a cure for asthama, toothache, lung problems, bronchitis etc. Some locals also use the leaf and roots of the tree to cure jaundice. All these qualities make Sohphie a truly versatile fruit.

So, once the air of Covid is gone, do visit Meghalaya and try this exotic and beneficial fruit. Meghalaya is also going to start ropeway services in the state. Read about it here.

(Feature Image source: @donald_lewis2009)