FG Dog Health Cover – Health Insurance for your fur baby

More and more people now consider their pets to part of their immediate family and their well being is of upmost importance to everyone. Keeping this fact in mind, the Future Generali India Insurance Company Limited has launched its FG Dog Health Cover. It is a comprehensive health insurance for pet dogs, along with a first in class Emergency Pet Minding cover.

FG Dog Health Cover insurance policy can cover dogs aged between six months to four years for giant breeds and seven years for small, medium and large breeds. The exit age is ten years for small, medium, and large breeds and six years for giant breeds. This cover will protect pet keepers from the cost of their dogs’ surgery and hospitalization bills. Terminal illness, mortality, and funeral expenses will also be covered. With this covers allows pet parents to insure their dogs against third-party liability, theft or loss of items, emergency pet minding, veterinary consultation and doctor on call.

This insurance policy also allows the pet owners to choose their favorite veterinarian, manage the care costs of their favorite pet. And also avoid the dip into emergency funds in times of need. Availing this cover comes with easy documentation.