Guwahati gears up for Biswakarma Puja 2022

Lord Biswakarma is the creator god responsible for all the engineering activities according to Hinduism. Biswakarma Puja happening tomorrow, and is one of the main celebrations in the region.

The most important celebration of this Puja takes place in the premises of the Biswakarma Temple. Located in the foot of the Nilachal Hills, this is one of the very limited number of temples dedicated to this deity. The Sankranti or start time of the puja is on the 07:36 AM of the 17th of September, 2022.

Biswakarma Puja is the main celebration for a majority of construction and manufacturing units. He is also considered the main deity for all technical equipment. And they are in a very large number, distributed across the city of Guwahati. All major constructions, garages, body shops, workshops of different scales will be celebrating the day. A large number of schools, colleges, and technical institutions will also organize this puja. So there will be a large number of pujas across the city.

A large number of statues of he deity have been sold already from various markets of the city. Also because of the puja, there might be some inadequacy in the public transport systems across the city. Traffic jams can also be expected near the temple as many devotees will visit it.

Also read about some of the oldest Durga Puja celebrations in the city of Guwahati.