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World Environment Day – Time for Nature

World Environment Day is celebrated on the 5th of June, all over the world under the mast of the United Nations. The decision to host this event was taken in the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment by the UN General Assembly in 1972. And the first event was held in 1974 with the theme Only One Earth .

The theme for World Environment Day 2020 is biodiversity–a concern that is both urgent and existential. The host nation is Columbia in partnership with Germany.

Spare some Time for Nature from your busy Schedule

On the occasion of the World Environment Day Discover East brings to you a few very easy steps. Steps that we all can implement with very limited resources, but it will go a long way to help save the environment.

Maguri Beel by Tridip Dutta Photography
Maguri Beel by Tridip Dutta Photography

1. Respect Nature

Respecting Nature does not mean worshiping a particular tree or animal or bird while hurting everything else. As an intelligent species, we must take up the responsibility to protect and preserve all forms of life. Be it plants or animals, we must learn to live with harmony.

Cutting trees or disturbing wild animals without proper reason is both unethical and illegal. The recent case of crude oil spilling from a oil rig has created havoc in Maguri Beel of Assam . Read more about that here.

2. Save Energy

Even the tiniest reduction in power consumption will help save nature. A lot of people might say that their energy comes from a renewable source. But did you check the environmental impact of that dam or creating the power grid has created?

3. Stop using Plastic

Single use plastic is by far the most used harmful thing that man has created. Single use plastic has penetrated all the parts f the planet. And the worst thing is that it does not degrade naturally. Serious implications on aquatic and terrestrial life forms are shown everyday.

We can very well replace a large amount of these so called disposable plastic products if we just try. Its not even costly to carry a cotton or jute bag around or to replace plastic plates with banana leaves. Here is a video about how banana leaves and bamboo glasses replaced plastic plates and glassed in a social event.

Go Green #ForNature

4. Plant more Trees

Lets make it habit to plant at least two trees for every tree that we cut ourselves or see being cut. There is still plenty of space on this planet to plant a tree. More plants means more oxygen for starters. Less of pollution, more shade and cooler climate. Imagine the impact it you cause if everyone follows this idea!

5. Use Eco-Friendly Transport

Cycle or walk to nearby places. There is no need to take your motorcycle or car if you have to travel very short distances. This will cut down your fuel bill and cholesterol and increase your stamina and lifetime. Amount of pollution and other adverse environmental impacts are also there.

Here is an article about the benefits of cycling.

6. Grow Your Own Food

Even if its the tiniest amount, try to grow your own food. Only then can one understand the efforts of the farmers and all people associated with agriculture. Also it will teach the lesson of respecting nature.

Here is video for those who think they do not have enough space to grow some food for themselves.

Grow Your Own Food #ForNature

7. We are Dependent on Nature, not the other way round.

The earth was there since long before humans, and will continue to be even if we are extinct. Humans are dependent on the earth for all our resources, but we take it for granted. With the violent weather conditions that are becoming more and more common, its high time for humans to take responsibility and take steps to stop further damage.

8. Reduce Wastage

A lot of people think that its acceptable to waste food just because they can afford it. But they are not aware of the labor, effort and resources that go to waste for their action. Each item, wasted could have fed someone else

Here is an article about how to reduce wastage of food in our day to day life.

9. Create Shelters and food resources for Birds

As the trees are being cut down for making space for more buildings and farms, small birds and animals are slowly loosing their habitat and food. This in turn is pushing a lot of beings towards extinction.

Simple boxes for birds like pigeons and sparrows in urban areas go a long way. Even providing a small bowl of food or water in the summers can be of great help of great help.

10. Go Organic

Organic is the new hype in the food world, and there is are quite a few reasons for that. Organic food are those which are produced without using chemicals in any form . So organic food means lesser use of chemicals in forms of fertilizers, pesticides etc. which in turn means healthier environment.

With all the harm that these chemicals cause to the eco-system as well as the wastage that is generated while they are manufactured, can all be avoided if we go organic.

Saplings - A perfect gift
Saplings – A perfect gift

11. A Sapling is a Perfect Gift for Every Occasion

Lets stop gifting useless stuff to people on special occasions, and give a sapling instead. Proper choice of plant and the person will remember you for his life. Any material gift is perishable or will lose its value or shine. But a tree will never lose its value.

Also the positive environmental impacts of any tree is tremendous. So next time you need to give someone a birthday, anniversary, house warming or even a return gift, do give a tiny sapling a thought.

12. Proper Waste Disposal

Try to make sure to segregate your wastes as bio-degradable and non biodegradable ones. This will prevent plastic and other non bio degradable wastes from entering our natural ecosystems.

Hazardous materials like batteries, glass, chemicals etc should never be disposed with organic wastes. Even bio-hazardous materials like medical or chemical wastes should be treated properly.

13. Learn Composting

Composting is the process of converting organic waste materials into useful manure for your plants. Organic waste materials include leaves, shells , husks etc. fruits and vegetables, left over food. Even food that has gone bad can be used to compost.

This homemade compost serves as an excellent fertilizer for the growing food at home.


14. Try Something New

Getting a hobby is always relaxing. So why not do something that helps nature as well . Try rearing bees, or maybe fish or poultry, even on a small scale farming. These activities are all fun , relaxing as well as healthy. Won’t it be great to have your fresh organic honey every morning for breakfast ??

15. Create Food Forests

Imagine a lush green area with thick vegetation and no human interference. All the trees are fruit bearing ones and there are a variety of birds, insects and even animals in that place. This is the concept of Food Forests.

If its possible, few people can get together and plant fruit bearing trees. Any man or animal who needs food can just pluck and have anything that they want. Won’t it go a long way in solving the problems of modern day ?

Here is what The FERNS Society did on the World Environment Day, 2020.

We give these easy ways to work #fornature on the occasion of World Environment Day, 2020. Do try to implement atleast a few in you day-to-day life.