Jackfruit export

Jackfruit : the Latest Organic Products to be Exported from Northeast India

The Northeastern part of India is gradually growing as a export hub of organic fruits and vegetables of the country and the latest products to be sold in European markets, is the jackfruit consignment from Tripura.

The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA)  has been instrumental in finding new products that can be exported from the region as well as finding international markets for the fruits and vegetables. And with a special focus on the Northeastern region, the number of unique exports have grown manifold.

The latest item to join the list of exports from the region is the jackfruit. Although native to the western ghats of the country, the jackfruits of northeast have a very unique flavor profile. And this is what has called for a export of one metric ton of this fruit to be sold in the markets in Germany. The fruits were packed in special APEDA recognized warehouses and sent by flight via Guwahati.

Making exports of these local produce enables local produces to get proper value for their products even during these Covid-19 induces lockdowns. Previously APEDA had also enabled export of several other agricultural commodities including Burmese Grapes, Lemons and Red Rice from Assam.